Best Group Housing Design Cluster Plan and Elevation of 1BHK with 6 Flats, Commercial Building Design and 1BHK Apartment Design

Best Group Housing Design Cluster Plan and Elevation of 1BHK with 6 Flats, Commercial Building Design and 1BHK Apartment Design

  • Group Housing Design
  • Dwelling Unit Plan of 1BHK
  • Cluster Plan of 1BHK
  • 1BHK Plan with 6 Flats
  • 1BHK Flat Plan
  • Cluster Plan Elevation
  • Bascment Parking
  • Commercial Building Design
  • 1BHK Apartment Design

In Each Dwelling Unit Plan of 1BHK Flat Living / Dining / Drawing Area, Kitchen, Toilet with bathroom, Bedroom with Balcony, Used In Each Floor 6 Dwelling Units, Built Up 8th Floors in One Block, Total Dwelling Units is 48 with Bascment Parking.

1. Cluster Plan of 1BHK with 6 Flats

Best Group Housing Design Dwelling Unit and Cluster Plan of 1BHK with 6 Flats, Commercial Building Design and 1BHK Apartment Design, Cluster Plan of 1BHK with 6 Flats
Cluster Plan of 1BHK with 6 Flats
  1. L- Living Dining- 2700×3800
  2. K- Kitchen- 1700×2100
  3. T- Toilet- 2200×1500
  4. B1- Bedroom- 3300×3000
  5. B- Balcony- 2700×1800

2. Cluster Plan Elevation of 1BHK Flats

Group Housing Design Cluster Plan and Elevation of 1BHK with 6 Flats.

  1. No. Of Du Unit- 48
  2. Du Used In Each Floor- 6
  3. Built Up Floors- 8
  4. No. Of Blocks Used- 1
Best Group Housing Design Cluster Plan and Elevation of 1BHK with 6 Flats, Commercial Building Design and 1BHK Apartment Design, Cluster Plan Elevation of 1BHK Flats
Cluster Plan Elevation of 1BHK Flats

Proposed Commercial Building for:-

College Work

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