Best Literature Study of Shopping Centre with Site Plan, Site Zoning and Anthropometric Data of Shopping complex Architecture Design; Plot Sizes-40×100m

Best Literature Study of Shopping Centre with Site Plan, Site Zoning and Anthropometric Data of Shopping complex Architecture Design; Plot Sizes-40×100m

Literature Study of Shopping Centre with Site Plan

Location of the Site:- site is located in newly developed sector 6 jhajjar, Haryana.
Building regulations as per HUDA.

  • Plot Sizes- 40m × 100m
  • Total site area- 4000 Sq. Mt.

1. Site Plan

Literature Study of Shopping Centre with Site Plan

Site is a rectangular piece of land measuring 40 m × 100 m, 20.0 m wide road is provided on longer side of the site facing “North” and a 30.0 m wide road is provided on two sides of the site.

Best Literature Study of Shopping Centre with Site Plan, Site Zoning and Anthropometric Data of Shopping complex  Architecture Design; Plot Sizes-40×100m
Site Plan

2. Site Zoning


Shopping Centre 2
Site Zoning

Site Plan and Site Zoning Download PDF file

A. Shopping Centre Requirements:

  1. 10 shops 15mt sq. each.
  2. 5 temporary kiosk for flee market.
  3. Open areas to sit and eat.
  4. Green areas (including landscaping elements).
  5. Kids play area.
  6. Parking space for 2 wheeler & 4 wheeler.
  7. 2 Toilets.

3. Anthropometric Data of Shops

A. Fruit and Vegetable shops

Vegetable showcase

Anthropometric Data of Shopping complex 5
Vegetable showcase

Fruit showcase

Anthropometric Data of Shopping complex 6
Fruit showcase

Fruit and Vegetable shops Download PDF file

B. Stationery Shops

Books display

Anthropometric Data of Shopping complex 4
Books display

Books showcase

Anthropometric Data of Shopping complex 3
Books showcase

Stationery Shops Download PDF file

C. Restaurant and Sweets Shops

Refrigerator Showcase

Anthropometric Data of Shopping complex 2
Refrigerator Showcase

Restaurant and Sweets Shops Tables and Chairs.

Anthropometric Data of Shopping complex
Restaurant Tables and Chairs.

Restaurant and Sweets Shops Download PDF file