Best 2023 Home Ground and first Floor Plan in Three Bedrooms With Cars Parking, House Design 100% Accurate

Best 2023 Home Ground and first Floor Plan in Three Bedrooms With Cars Parking, House Design 100% Accurate

  • Plot Size 23ft×29ft
  • Total Square Feets area- 667
  • Home Design Plan
  • Best Residential Building Plan
  • Building Plan in Three Bedrooms and Kitchen
  • Residential Building Detailed Plan
  • House Plan with Three Bedrooms
  • Luxurious and Beautiful Building Plan
  • House Design 100% Accurate
  • Detailed Drawing
  • Residential Building
  • At minimum cost

Best 2023 Home Ground and first Floor Plan

In three bedroom, two toilet with bathroom, one open kitchen, with living/Dining area and inside big parking space for two cars / Big Party HAL.

1. Home Ground Floor Plan

Best 2023 Home Ground and first Floor Plan in Three Bedrooms With Cars Parking, House Design 100% Accurate, Home Ground Floor Plan
Home Ground Floor Plan
  1. bedroom
  2. toilet with bathroom
  3. inside big parking space for two cars/Big Party HAL.

2. Home First Floor Plan

Best 2023 Home Ground and first Floor Plan in Three Bedrooms With Cars Parking, House Design 100% Accurate, Home First Floor Plan
Home First Floor Plan
  1. two bedroom
  2. toilet with bathroom
  3. one open kitchen
  4. living/Dining area

Proposed Residential Building for:-

Ramashankar Kumar (Chapra, Bihar ) 

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